Social Work

Social Work

When child protection concerns have been highlighted in respect of a child the Social Work Department may refer the matter to the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) who will then arrange a Children’s Hearing.

At a Children’s Hearing, the Children’s Panel can make legal decisions in respect of children.  It is likely that a Grounds Hearing will be arranged when people deemed to be ‘relevant persons’ will have to state whether they accept the Grounds and/or Supporting Facts.  If the Grounds/Supporting Facts are not accepted then the matter will be referred to the Sheriff Court, which is commonly referred to as a Children’s Referral.  A Sheriff will then hear evidence from witnesses and consider whether the Grounds/Supporting Facts are true.  If found to be true, the Sheriff may refer the matter back to a Children’s Hearing who will then consider whether a Compulsory Supervision Order in necessary.


Our family law specialists are often instructed by parents and other people deemed to be ‘relevant persons’.  If you find yourself involved in this type of process it is important to obtain the correct legal advice and support at an early stage.   We are happy to help clients understand the law and represent them in these types of proceedings, which may have a significant impact upon family life.

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Martha Thomson
