

Following the breakdown of a relationship the main issues concerning children under 16 years old are residence and contact.

Residence means where and with whom a child will live.  Contact refers to how contact will be maintained between the child and the other parent/family members.  Usually both parents will have Parental Responsibilities and Parental Rights and, in an ideal world, parents will co-parent effectively to reach decisions in the best interests of the child.   However, when people with Parental Responsibilities and Parental Rights are unable to agree it is possible to make an application to Court for a Residence or Contact Order.  The Court’s paramount consideration when considering whether to make an order is the child’s welfare.   In certain circumstances, extended family members may be able to apply via the Courts for a Residence or Contact Order. 

To find out more about arrangements for the care of children following separation, please contact our highly experienced team of family law solicitors who will be able to provide you with the appropriate advice and support.

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